City of Charlotte Investor Relations

Issuer Overview
City of Charlotte Investor Relations

Issuer Type: County / City / Town


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Issuer Overview
City of Charlotte Investor Relations

Issuer Type: County / City / Town


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Welcome to the official investor relations site of the City of Charlotte (City) and thank you for your interest. This site includes information on bond programs managed by the Finance Department (Finance). Finance provides oversight of the City’s debt management function, including funding the capital improvement needs of the city through the responsible issuance of municipal debt; determines and approves structures, terms and conditions for all city debt; maintains records of bonded indebtedness; and ensures payment of debt.

Finance has responsibility for debt issuance across all departments, including, Airport, Water and Sewer, Storm Water, Transit, Municipal facilities and equipment and Tourism.

For further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office.

City of Charlotte
Finance Department
600 East fourth Street
Charlotte, NC 28202
Phone: (704) 336-3992